Foreign Policy Blogs

Terrorist nations: Syria, Sudan, Iran and… Cuba

On April 30, the U.S. State Department made public its annual list of countries that back or abet terrorism. There are only four countries included, and Cuba was left on again this year. Iran, Syria and Sudan join the Caribbean island on the list.

But some point to a softening of report’s language as yet another sign of Washington’s willingness to reconsider its Cuba policies. After all, the public statement acknowledges that Cuba “no longer actively supports armed struggle in Latin America and around the world.” The United States is keeping the country on the list because in 2008, Havana “continued to provide safe haven to several terrorists.”

Tehran and Havana have decried the designations on the list; Fidel published a reflection saying that Obama, “a man whose talent no one denies, should be ashamed of himself.” And of course, the U.S. track record internationally detracts from its credibility, as Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez pointed out. “We do not recognize any political or moral authority on the part of the United States… to certify good or bad behavior,” he said.



Melissa Lockhart Fortner

Melissa Lockhart Fortner is Senior External Affairs Officer at the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles, having served previously as Senior Programs Officer for the Council. From 2007-2009, she held a research position at the University of Southern California (USC) School of International Relations, where she closely followed economic and political developments in Mexico and in Cuba, and analyzed broader Latin American trends. Her research considered the rise and relative successes of Latin American multinationals (multilatinas); economic, social and political changes in Central America since the civil wars in the region; and Wal-Mart’s role in Latin America, among other topics. Melissa is a graduate of Pomona College, and currently resides in Pasadena, California, with her husband, Jeff Fortner.

Follow her on Twitter @LockhartFortner.