Foreign Policy Blogs

Krauthammer Slams Meshal Truce

Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer deconstructs the ten-year truce deal offered by Hamas leader Khalid Meshal in an interview earlier this week with the New York Times. He asserts that the ceasefire would only serve to permit Hamas to rearm itself and gain momentum to eventually rid the Middle East of Israel, a staple in the terror groups charter. While only time will tell (on both Hamas actually enforcing the ceasefire and its true intentions), ten years is an undeniably long time in the Middle East. The entire region, the posture of Palestinians, and the demands of the Israeli people can all change in that time frame. Hamas may, and likely does, have ulterior motives for its ceasefire deal; thinking otherwise would be naive. However, the Obama Administration intends on pursuing a new tactic in the region- opening a dialogue. Perhaps a ten-year truce deal would be a place to start.



Ben Moscovitch

Ben Moscovitch is a Washington D.C.-based political reporter and has covered Congress, homeland security, and health care. He completed an intensive two-year Master's in Middle Eastern History program at Tel Aviv University, where he wrote his thesis on the roots of Palestinian democratic reforms. Ben graduated from Georgetown University with a BA in English Literature. He currently resides in Washington, D.C. Twitter follow: @benmoscovitch

Areas of Focus:
Middle East; Israel-Palestine; Politics
