Foreign Policy Blogs

Cuba, Sri Lanka, and Human Rights: continued

Walter Lippmann has provided me with the full Cuban perspective on the Sri Lanka report presented to the UN Human Rights Council. This is very useful; the text is in his comment here.

Perhaps the most important points highlighted in the speech are: (1) the new Human Rights Council must embrace operational transparency and cooperative methods if it is to be successful where the old organization was not; and (2) the international community must not only seek to chide Sri Lanka for its human rights record in extremely difficult and devastating times, but should work to provide support in the fight against poverty and underdevelopment in the country.

These are points I neglected in my previous post, and which must be noted.



Melissa Lockhart Fortner

Melissa Lockhart Fortner is Senior External Affairs Officer at the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles, having served previously as Senior Programs Officer for the Council. From 2007-2009, she held a research position at the University of Southern California (USC) School of International Relations, where she closely followed economic and political developments in Mexico and in Cuba, and analyzed broader Latin American trends. Her research considered the rise and relative successes of Latin American multinationals (multilatinas); economic, social and political changes in Central America since the civil wars in the region; and Wal-Mart’s role in Latin America, among other topics. Melissa is a graduate of Pomona College, and currently resides in Pasadena, California, with her husband, Jeff Fortner.

Follow her on Twitter @LockhartFortner.