There is no denying that Iran has one of the best literary heritages. From Rumi to Hafez to Omer Khayyam to Saadi, Iran has had its share of great poets. Though the most influential poet remains Ferdowsi, known for writing the Persian epic, the Shahnameh (known in English as The Book of Kings). This article by Reza Akhlaghi, The Coup against Mazdakite, provides an interesting analogy between the present day Iran’s pursuit of social justice and a story of uprising in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. As Reza Akhlaghi states, “Ferdowsi has clearly documented the essence of Persia. It captures the historical identity of Iran. It is incumbent upon readers to discover Ferdowsi to understand the Iran of today.” Another must read for anyone interested in the role of Persian literature in shaping the present day Iranian psyche is Jasmine and Stars by Fatemeh Keshavarez.