BOSTON — The world is coming to Pittsburgh. Twenty countries (well, if you count the European Union as a single entity) and 20 delegations. That’s a lot of names, faces and political priorities to keep straight.
But don’t worry. Here’s our interactive guide to surviving the Pittsburgh 2009 G20 summit, put together by our friends at GlobalPost’ — affiliated bloggers and well-informed correspondents in the field worldwide.
Read more from our friends at GlobalPost here.
Also, Huffington Post is reporting that a fresh threat of Protectionism is the most pressing concern being expressed by various leaders of G-20 nations.
As economies escape the grips of recession, the pressure to work together appears to be lessening. National economic self-interest [i.e., Economic Nationalism] is reasserting itself. That includes a desire to protect battered home industries from overseas competition as governments look toward the day when they can dial back stimulus measures.
Read more here.
See video: Pittsburgh G-20 Summit: The Basics
Source: World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh video