The War on Terror has most definitely shifted: terrorists are massacring Pakistani’s. I churn each time I hear of terrorist attacks since 9/11, and mostly since then, those attacks have been in Pakistan. This weeks suicide bombings on religious processions in Karachi during the month of Mahurrum, (a somber time of reflection, considered sacred for many Muslims) are particularly unnerving.
I’ve lived in Karachi and was there until 2001 when suicide bombings were unheard of. And even though Karachi is a relatively chaotic city, never had it been victim to such consistent horror. In my lifetime, Pakistan has suffered it’s most widespread violence and insecurity post 9/11. I’ve already written about the deteriorating state of affairs, so today i’ll share links to a BBC slideshow and article capturing the recent atrocities :
SLIDESHOW: Karachi March Attacked
ARTICLE : Pakistan’s Recount Horror of Suicide Attack
When the Economist, pundits and politicians declare Pakistan “the most dangerous place in the world”, important to remember is that it really is the most dangerous place: for Pakistanis.