Foreign Policy Blogs

India & Paksitan – Peace Process

It is heartwarming to see India and Pakistan start talking, again. For years, both sides have realized that they have to deal with each other, but domestic political pressure forces leadership in both countries to instead engage in bravado, which is obviously pleasing the hawks on both sides of the border. However, this hypocritical attitude has damaged both countries, but let us hopes that this dialogue would be the beginning of a process that would lead to permanent peace between India and Pakistan.


If cooler heads in Islamabad and Delhi manage to convince their fellow countrymen that actually it is much more fun to be friends, and it is in the national interest of India and Pakistan to be friends, chances are that the public might begin to grasp the long term impact of peace. But, it is going to be hard to bring change as fear and hatred that has been cemented because of years and years of fear mongering has a iron grip on the psyche of both nations.

This hold has to be broken.

I know that the ordinary public in both countries is yearning for peace. I also know that ordinary public in both countries, just like any other country in the world is too busy with bread and butter issues and they don’t care about the politics of divide and rule that has been the tactic so far. So, a very good case could be made that it in the interest of national security of India and Pakistan to come together, talk to each other, find common ground and slowly, but surely, build the trust that is essential for permanent peace in the region.

Can Islamabad and Delhi secure their countries by peaceful negotiations? We are about to find out after the initial contact. Stay tuned!



Bilal Qureshi

Bilal Qureshi is a resident of Washington, DC, so it is only natural that he is tremendously interested in politics. He is also fascinated by the relationship between Pakistan, the country of his birth, and the United States of America, his adopted homeland. Therefore, he makes every effort to read major newspapers in Pakistan and what is being said about Washington, while staying fully alert to the analysis and the news being reported in the American press about Pakistan. After finishing graduate school, he started using his free time to write to various papers in Pakistan in an effort to clarify whatever misconceptions he noticed in the press, especially about the United States. This pastime became a passion after his letters were published in Vanity Fair and The New Yorker and his writing became more frequent and longer. Now, he is here, writing a blog about Pakistan managed by Foreign Policy Association.

Areas of Focus:
Taliban; US-Pakistan Relations; Culture and Society
