1. On March 3rd, the Obama Administration announced its support to declare the bluefish tuna endangered and to ban international trade of the fish. Japan is not happy and Europe is divided. Sushi aficionados in Japan and elsewhere have consumed bluefin for decades, causing the fish’s population to plummet. This month, representatives from 175 countries will convene in Doha, Qatar, to determine whether to restrict the trade of bluefin tuna under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Tom Strickland, the Interior Department’s assistant secretary for fish and wildlife and parks, will lead the U.S. delegation. The goal is to return tuna populations to “sustainable” levels.
2. This week, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a $100 million stimulus fund to accelerate innovation in green technology. The department has designated three areas of focus for the projects: energy storage, electrical power technology and thermodevices.
3. Foreign Policy magazine provides a guide to the most well-known climate skeptics. Be sure to read the accompanying comments for some trash talkin’ perspective.
4. For the first time, the U.S. Department of Defense addresses climate and energy in its Quadrennial Defense Review. The 2010 edition dedicates roughly 5 pages to how the department is tackling environmental security. The entire document is an interesting read.
Photo: Sanctu via Flickr