Social networking makes for really, really targeted marketing possibilities.
A bunch of advocacy groups dealing with Sudan are putting up Facebook ads aimed at people who work in Congress.
Your employer is part of your Facebook profile. So if it happens to be Congress, bing! (erm, not that Bing™) there you go. They can also key off of your political leanings, religious views, or favorite TV shows. I bought a great shirt for my brother thanks to my publicly professed love for Arrested Development.
Even more interesting was a bunch of anti-Lou Dobbs ads that ran last fall targeting Congressional staffers and CNN employees.
I wonder when quasi-governmental groups will start using that to try and shape the political dialogue.
Breaking! As your intrepid investigative journalist was doing research for this fascinating piece, he discovered that Sudan’s indicted war criminal President Bashir is on Facebook! New page as of yesterday. Either his advisors need to inform him that April Fools’ Day is not an auspicious date to kick off your online campaign, or it’s a particularly elaborate hoax.
If you sign up now, you could be his 8th fan. No, that’s not a typo.