Foreign Policy Blogs

Silly Hat, Sensible Advice

Bill Maher gave some sound advice to the Tea Partiers over the weekend.  If you really care about the deficit, he said to them, you’ll start talking about cutting our country’s largest jobs program: defense spending.  This advice should also have been considered by the group from the Industrial College for the Armed Forces that I wrote about last week.  The group completed a report concluding that the biggest threat to U.S. national security is financial stability.  However, their prescriptions focused on cutting entitlement spending rather than things like financial regulatory reform and defense spending cuts.  The Bill Maher video doesn’t seem to be embeddable, but check it out here (h/t to Huffington Post).

And as you ponder the subject, take a walk down memory lane and recall Lockheed Martin’s main argument last year for continuing government financing of F-22 Raptor production.