Michael Hastings’s article about Gen. McChrystal and the Afghanistan war effort has not only created quite a stir, but may even cost Gen. McChrystal his job as the leader of all armed forces in Afghanistan. While, I will write more on this important story tonight, I’ll give a few thoughts now. First off, I think that if Gen McChrystal says all the right things to President Obama and Secretary Gates and publicly apologizes (he already has) than he should keep his job. He is too important of a leader at too critical of a time in the war strategy to be removed without a serious juggling act occuring which would likely hamper American, NATO, and Afghan war efforts. Gen. McChrystal and his aides showed a critical lack of judgement in their comments to Hastings, but none of them contradicted President Obama’s Afghanistan counterinsurgency/special forces strategy and both men appear to still be on the same page in this regard.
If you have thoughts on this issue please leave them in the comments.