Foreign Policy Blogs

Unpacking the Millennium Development Goals

Unless you are from mars, there is a high chance that you probably heard about the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), eight set of goals-ranging from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education-agreed to by the United Nations to address the needs of the poor countries!

Well the world met in New York last week, and surely there were a lot of planning, deliberations, and media coverage. But for all the talk about prgress, Samir Amin thinks that the MDGs has been drifting away from development goals in the pursuit of goals which have nothing to do with social progress. Here  you can read more about Samir Amin’s critics: http: //



Ndumba J. Kamwanyah

Ndumba Jonnah Kamwanyah, a native of Namibia in Southern Africa, is an independent consultant providing trusted advice and capacity building through training, research, and social impact analysis to customers around the world. Mos recently Ndumba returned from a consulting assignment in Liberia in support of the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).
In his recent previous life Ndumba taught (as an Adjunct Professor) traditional justice and indigenous African political institutions in sub-Saharan Africa at the Rhode Island College-Anthropology Department.

He is very passionate about democracy development and peace-building, and considers himself as a street researcher interested in the politics of everyday life.
Twitter: NdumbaKamwanyah