This might have passed you by; certainly it did me. There’s no surprise here, nothing really worth accounting for; but I’ll go ahead and account for it anyway.
Jamaat has come out to say that during the troubles in 1971, the people who constituted both the party, Jamaat-e-Islami and the paramilitary killer brigade, were all freedom fighter. This is, of course, contrary to both anecdotal recollection and notarized fact.
The Secretary General of Jamaat made the claim based on a syllogism, that Kabir Chowdhury who then worked for the Pakistani government funded Bangla Academy, and is now considered a freedom fighter. Because this is true and because, in some sense, Jamaat leaders also worked for the Pakistani state, they are therefore freedom fighters. Truly, that is the argument that has been put forward!
There’s more tripe where that came from, I am sure. But this is a baldly cretinous move to shield publicly corroborated suspicion away from Jamaat leaders like Motiur Rahman Nizami, who are about to stand trial for war crimes that they are alleged to have committed during the Liberation War of 1971.