Bangladeshis nationwide are commemorating the men who died on this day in 1952, a day that is now seeped in political and cultural significance. Now, nearly all Bangladeshis know and accept the conventionally shared meaning of the day. It is important, however, to remind oneself and each other that some share of the significance of the day arose in the common cause in which men and women nationwide banded together on that day now nearly 60 years ago.
The political leaders and citizens of Bangladesh need to reacquaint themselves with that sense of shared values and common purpose. There are, surely, difficult times ahead: the poor in Bangladesh may not be able to withstand the rapidly increasing price of staple food. There is hardly any reason to think that government intervention will pick up that slack. More broadly,there is no reason to think that as the rest of the rest of the world rears back into positive, healthy, economic growth, Bangladesh’s economy will necessarily keep up with other growing economies.
Economic growth and greater prosperity will turn on decisions made yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yet there is no way of achieving greater and more equitable economic outcomes in Bangladesh without squaring the circle of the country’s politics. A move, perhaps a unilateral move, to commit to shared causes and common purposive action might be necessary to achieve all that we might wish of our people on this day.
As the world turns and tumbles in the Middle East, as people make their voices heard in Libya and Bahrain and Yemen, the ruling Awami League government might think to move ahead of the public’s needs and establish fair, transparent, practices borne of shared and cherished values.