Foreign Policy Blogs

3 Interesting Business and Investment developments in February 2011

 Bangladesh, like other regional developing economies, has over the years taken steps to open up its doors to foreign investment.  The Board of Investment (BoI) recently announced the following changes to its policy:

  • Simpler rules and regulations for foreign companies seeking to open offices in Bangladesh
  • Foreign workers must receive a work permit from BoI to work in Bangladesh
  • Work permits will be valid for 2 years as opposed to 1
  • Work permit applications can be submitted online or via email
  • Foreign companies must give priority to Bangladeshi citizens when hiring staff and are allowed to fill job openings with qualified foreigners only if Bangladeshi applicants are found ineligible
  • Foreign Doctors and Nurses must register with The Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council and the Bangladesh Nursing Council respectively to work in private hospitals
  • BoI will create a Data bank to store information regarding foreign investors

Investment is showing signs of revival according to The Daily Star. Please follow link for details

Leather industry is gearing up for the rise in global demand according to The Independent. Please follow link for details