Is it likely that the government of Pakistan is trying to delay the onset of proceedings against Raymond A. Davis, the man accused of allegedly killing two motorists on the streets of Lahore? This in order to buy time as back-channel negotiations run up against public sentiment, the natural political deadline in these circumstances? Yes. There are now two parallel proceedings that are on the docket against him–the one that will determine whether he enjoys immunity rights under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, and a separate proceeding that will press murder charges against him. Even though his murder trial is underway, both proceedings have been delayed. (A trial delayed is just that!)
If Raymond Davis is denied immunity, Pakistan’s civilian government will suffer a great of prestige and have to deal with a Washington D.C’s dawning unwillingness to put up with President Zardari’s vascillations. In the meanwhile Pakistan’s military and intelligence services are happy to press on with proceedings against Davis; the Pakistani public is squarely for it, as is every other opposition party, standing up against the ruling Pakistan People’s Party. The battle lines have been drawn up: it’s the civilian government in Islamabad against the military’s moves, with some added encouragement from Pakistan’s provincial governments.
Nevertheless, even the military and the opposition, all who still want to work with the leaders and aid agencies in Washington D.C., need to keep their dire opposition against so-called western infringement into Pakistani poltiics somewhat at bay. After all where would Pakistani politics be without U.S and wider western foreign aid? It is more than likely that the moves against Raymond Davis are nothing more than bargaining chips to draw from the U.S. government greater concessions on a quieter military presence in Pakistani cities, a more transparent partnership on U.S military moves against insurgents.