UPDATE: March 15, 2011, 11:00 AM EST:
In addition to the links to aid organizations and funds that are aiding Japan, the Japanese Red Cross Society and the American Red Cross are providing disaster relief.
The Japanese Salvation Army is also actively aiding in the affected areas.
Lady Gaga is offering fans a “We Pray for Japan” wristband, on sale in her online store, with proceeds going “directly to Japan relief efforts.”
Japanese people affected by Friday’s earthquake desperately need food aid. The 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Japan and unleashed a devastating tsunami has crippled infrastructure in much of the northeastern part of the country and cut off Japanese people in these areas from essential needs like food and water.
Voice of America correspondent Steve Herman reported that:
…”people are scrambling to find basic necessities, even in inland areas such as Fukushima. ‘People are just trying to find clean water. Food supplies are running out. In the convenience stores, there are no rice balls left. There is no bottled water left. We are facing a really serious situation in the days ahead for these people that are living in areas that were only moderately damaged,’ he said.”
The Global Food Security blog will provide updates and offer information on efforts being made to provide food aid to Japan.
Several of the Foreign Policy Blogs are covering the earthquake, including the Japan blog by Dustin Dye.
The image at the top of this post comes from the “Help Japan” poster designed by James White. The poster’s sale will raise funds for relief agencies working in Japan.
NPR’s Two Way news blog lists 21 organizations providing aid in Japan.
The Daily Dish blog at The Atlantic pulls together lists of aid agencies and initiatives to give to relief efforts.
Posted by Michael Lucivero.