I urge all our Afghanistan readers to check out Sean Patrick Murphy’s review of the film ‘Talibanistan’ over at his FPA Global Film Review blog. I have not seen the film, but from Murphy’s description it sounds worthwhile. Here is his intro:
Hearts and minds.
That’s what narrator Peter Coyote says coalition forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan need to win over in this National Geographic offering.
Talibanistan is the nickname given to the treacherous mountainous area straddling Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is called that because of the Taliban forces entrenched there.
This hour long documentary shows firsthand the situation on the ground where snipers and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are a constant threat.
It also achieves some insight into the indoctrination of young men by the Taliban. One interviewed said he was told that local women were being sent to “that prison in Cuba” (Guantánamo Bay) where they are tortured and raped.