Public health professionals have a sense of humor too

- CDC Zombie Blog
It’s 11pm, I’m tired, and I still haven’t written my post. And so, because I’m feeling a bit punchy, I’m resorting to posting a simple image which served to make me laugh, as well as visit the CDC website, a site which isn’t usually the source if mirth. According to the Wall Street Journal:
“As of Friday afternoon, the CDC reported the post — advising people to stock up on food and water and first aid supplies to survive a zombie attack — had gotten nearly 1.2 million page views, compared to about 1,000 to 3,000 hits a CDC blog post usually gets over its entire lifespan of 10 days or so.Rear Admiral Khan’s zombie post is currently more popular than the CDC’s homepage, and traffic is “steadily increasing,” the CDC says, adding that “CDC” and “Zombie Apocalypse” were among the top 10 trends on Twitter Thursday.”
Public health messages that get people talking? Not a bad thing, even if it wakes the undead.