Leave it to Gary Trudeau to distill something to its basics. God love him. As Daniel Patrick Moynihan noted some time back, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” The science is settled. And no, my Denialist friends, I am not going to enter into yet-another long hassle. You can take that elsewhere. I’m here to confront the reality of the climate crisis, to shine some light where I can (as best I can) on the lies and the political chicanery that are so persistent, and to highlight and promote best practices that are fostering our progress toward sustainability. If you want to debate the science, I’m happy, yet again, for you to splatter your biases and ignorance at the folks who deal with this every day at Skeptical Science and RealClimate. Also, pick up Merchants of Doubt to see how and why the attempts to deny science take place in the first place. (Hint: It’s about the money.)