Child in South Sudan receiving evaluation for malnutrition. Source: ACF-South Sudan, T. Frank
Posted by contributor Andres Santamaria.
Sudan and South Sudan continue to clash, with each side seeking to control lucrative oil fields near their border. However, as the crisis persists, there are many efforts to relieve some of the humanitarian problems that have emerged in South Sudan, according to Action Against Hunger.
“Nearly half the population of South Sudan is food insecure, and malnutrition rates are alarmingly high. South Sudan also has the highest maternal mortality rate in the world. Only 4% of the nation’s arable land has been cultivated.”
Also, in South Sudan, one child for every 8 dies from malnutrition before the age of 5. And on top of it all, although there is an abundance of water; its quality, distribution, and management systems are averting any possibility for the people to obtain or consume it. Food prices are doubling and South Sudan’s main route for food, from Khartoum, has been cut off by the Sudan’s government.
A road to and from Uganda is being built in hopes of transporting more resources to the country, but the prospect of it actually operating in the foreseeable future does not look good. With an influx of internal and external refugees, food shortages only exacerbate the problem.
Actions are being taken by non-profit organizations to diminish food insecurity within South Sudan. A distribution of seeds to people living along the northern border is taking place to help them to be able to cultivate food supplies. There’s an effort to get more people involved with their own agriculture, and there are cash-for-work programs that are intended to be implemented soon. With enough involvement and attention from organizations like Action Against Hunger, some of these basic needs currently being provided for will hopefully be accessible to a large portion of the population.