Foreign Policy Blogs


Shalit Deal in the Works?

Israeli and Hamas officials could be on the verge of a breakthrough in negotiations to release abducted IDF soldier Gilad Shalit who was captured by the terror group over three years ago. Ma’an News is reporting that Israel transfered Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine leader Ahmad Sa’adat from a prison in Ashkelon to […]

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Fatah Central Committee Vote's Surprises

Fatah Central Committee Vote's Surprises

Headlining the first Fatah conference in 20 years, the election for a new 18-seat Central Committee resulted in some serious surprises and problems for certain party members. Because some party members could not leave Gaza to vote, these officials could vote until 4 p.m. Notably, imprisoned Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti won, what is likely to […]

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Israel to Cease Dollar-Purchase Program

As of tomorrow, the Israeli government will cease its policy of purchasing $100 million per day. The program, started in July 2008, was meant to ensure that the worth of the shekel would not drop significantly by backing-up the currency. Due to stabilization in the economy, the Bank of Israel decided to end the program, […]

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Israel Reprimands its Boston Consul Over Settlements

A senior Israeli diplomatic official in Boston authored a memo that struck an unfortunate chord with his superiors back home. Nadav Tamir, the consul general in Boston, wrote in a memo that Israel is harming its strategic alliance with the United States over the settlement dispute with the United States. In response, senior foreign ministry […]

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Historical Perspectives on Ghajar

Historical Perspectives on Ghajar

A new INSS report describes the unique situation of a town on the Israel-Lebanon border that rests within both countries. The residents of Ghajar hold Israeli citizenship but predominantly maintain their identities as Syrian. Israel claimed the town following the 1973 war that led to the capture of the Golan Heights from Syria. Due to […]

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Disputes at Fatah Conference

One ghost hovered over the Fatah conference this week. Not quite the ghost of Yasser Arafat, rather that of the conspiracy theory that Israel poisoned, gave AIDS to, or murdered the late Palestinian leader. Many Fatah members who adored Arafat criticized the Palestinian Authority for failing to launch an investigation into Arafat’s death. Some Fatah […]

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Hezbollah Re-armed

Merely three years since the Second Lebanon War between Israel and Hezbollah, the terror group substantially increased its military capabilities and poses an extreme risk to Israel. Hezbollah reportedly has 40,000 missiles targeting Israel, with some of the rockets capable of striking as far as Tel Aviv. During the 2006 war, the Israeli military attacked […]

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Documents at Fatah Conference Launch Exemplify Internal Debate

The first Fatah conference in 20 years launched today, with the leading Palestinian faction gearing up to elect new leadership. Due to the inability of some Fatah officials in Gaza to attended the event in Bethlehem, Fatah intends to hold a concurrent conference in the Strip to ensure Gaza-based party members have input. The primary […]

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Evictions in E. J'lem Lead to Another Tift with U.S.

Evictions in E. J'lem Lead to Another Tift with U.S.

U.S. officials sharply condemned today the eviction of approximately 50 Arab families from East Jerusalem, calling the move a violation of the Road Map. The Israeli government forcefully removed the residents in order to clear room for Jewish settlers in the city who claimed previous ownership of the area extending to Ottoman rule. The annexation […]

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Police Recommend Indictment of Lieberman

Police Recommend Indictment of Lieberman

There’s a joke in Israel that former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wakes up from his coma. He asks the nurse to send him his number two, Ehud Olmert. “Unfortunately,” the nurse responds, “police suspect Olmert of accepting bribes.” “OK,” Sharon responds, “then send me President Moshe Katsav.” The nurse informs Sharon that Katzav resigned in […]

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Israelis Rapidly Dissminate Information Following Attack

Israelis Rapidly Dissminate Information Following Attack

A shooting last night in Tel Aviv left two Israelis dead and approximately a dozen injured. A masked gunman entered a gay-lesbian support event for teens, began shooting indiscriminately, and fled the scene. Even though police determined that the crime was anti-gay in nature, and not with nationalistic motives, the reaction to the event within […]

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Film Screening Reveals That Debate on 2003 Death Rages On

The 2003 death of Evergreen student Rachel Corrie still seems to stir debates and outrages from both sides of the Israel-Palestine debate. Corrie protested Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip and attempted to stop an IDF bulldozer by standing in its path. The IDF claims that the bulldozer could not see Corrie, who did not […]

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Op-Eds on Settlements

Two prominent publications ran op-eds on settlements, with one writer slamming the settler movement and another editorial board citing the Obama Administration for mismanagement of the issue. Tel Aviv University Professor Asher Susser wrote a damning op-ed in Haaretz today, condemning the settler movement for considering itself guardians of the State of Israel. The settlers […]

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Joint Iran-Russia Military Excercise a Threat to Israel

The Iranian and Russian governments pegged an upcoming military exercise as an anti-pollution and search and rescue operation. However, the joint maneuver, involving 30 naval units from the two countries, is likely a show of strength and joint cooperation in order to warn countries intending on striking either nation. Israel recently made its own overtures […]

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Review: Myths, Illusions, & Peace

Review: Myths, Illusions, & Peace

Assumptions and a lack of patience have sunk prospects of obtaining a stable Middle East, according to a new book co-written by one of the architects of U.S. policy towards the region over the last 20-years. Myths, Illusions, & Peace, the sweeping Middle East analysis work released last month from White House Special Assistant Dennis […]

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