Foreign Policy Blogs


Identifying Demons in Pakistan

Zainab Jeewanjee critiques “The Demons that Haunt Pakistan” a SABRINA TAVERNISE article in the New York Times (NYTIMES). Jeewanjee explains that current skepticism of U.S. involvement in the Af-Pak war is not a matter of irrational, conspiracy theories and a personal hatred for all things American, it comes after a prolonged and now daily struggle against extremist Islam, and terrorists who massacre Pakistani’s increasingly since 9/11.

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Musharraff's Solution

Pervez Musharraf weighs in on the Af-Pak war & President Obama’s troop surge. Zainab Jeewanjee reports Musharrf’s recommendation for a “political surge” at the Foreign Policy association.

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Afghanistan and Pakistan

Today’s Washington Post is reporting that Obama’s promise didn’t even last 24 hours. According to the paper, Secretary Clinton, Secretary Gates and Admiral Mike Mullen all three danced around the issue of withdrawal from Afghanistan while testifying in front of Armed Services Committee a day after the speech. US Presidents have always struggled with the […]

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Where's the Improved Af-Pak Strategy?

President Obama delivers a speech on the Afghanistan Pakistan (Af-Pak) war promising 30,000 new troops to the region. Zainab Jeewanjee sheds light on the need for a new strategy either in tandem with, or other than just a troop surge, especially in the case of Pakistan.

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Pakistan before & after Obama's big Afghan speech!

So far, in 2009 alone, 9000 Pakistanis have died in Pakistan because of terrorism – that is bombings, suicide attacks and other acts of extreme violence against Pakistan, and Pakistani society by the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Yes, 9000 (nine thousand) Pakistanis have died because of terrorism in 2009 alone. This terrorism according to Pakistan is […]

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With Hegemony Comes Great Responsibility

Thomas Friedman of the New York times writes about the Anti-American narrative that terrorist groups use to convince the Islamic world that American policies are aimed at oppressing Muslims. Zainab Jeewanjee critiques Friedman’s article, noting history and tangible consequences of our policies in the Middle East and Pakistan.

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Come Out Swinging

Journalism 101, that is, the very first lesson of journalism is impartiality. In other words, journalists, at least in civilized societies don’t take any position on issues. And editors make sure that personal opinion don’t seep into the work that the journalists are assigned. This is common practice, and even in India, if you read […]

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Who Wears the Taj (crown)? : South Asia post 26/11

Who Wears the Taj (crown)? : South Asia post 26/11

On the eve of the Mumbai atrocities, writer Zainab Jeewanjee discusses the detrimental effects of the massacre. Specifically, how terrorism is causing a rapidly deteriorating state of affairs in Pakistan. But the United States has a chance to get things right in South Asia by engaging both India and Pakistan economically. With economic interests in India and security/geopolitical interests in Pakistan, policy-makers should focus beyond immediate security and further extend cooperation to economic development in Pakistan to ensure they remain a long standing ally in the War on terror and in the face of an ascending China.

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Stop bombing Pakistan. Really?

Believe me, I’d be mad like hell if Americans bombed Pakistan and killed innocent civilians. Believe me, America is not targeting Pakistan. The Taliban are attacking Pakistan. Today, Pakistan is facing a very tough challenge of defeating home grown insurgency funded and fueled by the money that is directly coming from the Middle East. And […]

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Mumbai Attacks

A brilliant work of investigative journalism by Jason Motlagh helps us understand that it is in the interest of everyone to try to solve issues by talking to each other instead of letting the nuts take advantage of our inability to commit to a constructive dialogue. Take for example the Mumbai tragedy. Right after the […]

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With friends like these anchors, Pakistan doesn’t need enemies

با دوستان هایی از این دشمنان ما نیاز ندارد. The meeting between Pakistan’s ‘super anchors’ and Hillary Clinton was, well, disastrous, not for America or Clinton, but for these talk show hosts. Hillary was calm, controlled, measured and she answered all sorts of questions thoroughly and intelligently. And unlike most of the panel, she was […]

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Musharaff, Ch. Nisar and Zardari

Musharaff gives an interview using unkind words for Zardari and Ch. Nisar defends Zardari. Really? Ch. Nisar has two passions (if you read what he has been saying after he became the opposition leader): attacking every Zardari and attacking everything America. Therefore, it was very strange to read that Ch. Nisar huffed and puffed about […]

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Fareed Zakaria Interviews Musharraff

Zainab Jeewanjee covers Fareed Zakaria’s interview of General Musharraf on CNN’s show GPS. Musharraf talks to Zakaria about the Pakistan army’s role in defeating terrorism and whether Pakistan truly has an interest in defeating cross border terrorism in Afghanistan given that the situation is rooted in a ’60 year old geopolitical rivalry at play between India and Pakistan” .

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Poor Pakistan

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein We all know that Pakistan’s overall situation has been dedeteriorating for decades and it has entered a critical phase. And, regretfully, it seems that there is nothing that is going to reverse the tide in Pakistan.Therefore, people are asking – […]

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"Friends not Masters"

Secretary of State Hlilary Clinton visits Pakistan to rally support for support in the War on terror. Zainab Jeewanjee reports on the toughening stance on Islamabad’s efforts at uprooting terror as Clinton addresses students and major news media. Her diplomacy unfortunately falls short as there is rapidly increasing skepticism in Pakistan of cooperating with the United States.

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