Zainab Jeewanjee reports on Pakistani Artist Imran Mudassar’s recent work depicting War and weaponry in the Af-Pak war. Lauding CNN and Dawn News for their reports on Mudassar, Jeewanjee shares her thoughts on the artists poignant work.
Zainab Jeewanjee reports on Pakistani Artist Imran Mudassar’s recent work depicting War and weaponry in the Af-Pak war. Lauding CNN and Dawn News for their reports on Mudassar, Jeewanjee shares her thoughts on the artists poignant work.
In an article published in The New Republic, respected American journalist Nicholas Schmidle shares some of his experiences and observations about the over all paranoia and hysteria that has been increasingly visible across Pakistan’s electronic media. Specifically, Mr. Schmidle describes his awkward interaction with Shireen Mazari. Mazari had no information about Mr. Schmidle’s background, but […]
As students of history know, countries don’t come into existence overnight and there is a long and hard struggle behind every political success, especially if it results in carving out independent land for a group of people. Take for example Bangladesh. Bengali as a language was never embraced by the country, Bengalis culture, history, and […]
Zainab Jeewanjee discusses this weeks T.S.A.’s enhanced security directives. She explains how increased security measures are useful and should work in tandem with U.S. led soft power so as to mitigate any chance to unintended consequences such as Anti-Americanism or racial profiling.
Zainab Jeewanjee shares her experience in Pakistan and a couple BBC pieces documenting the horror of terrorist attacks carried out in Karachi Pakistan, in December 2009.
Zainab Jeewanjee comments on a DAWN article that talks about foreign “meddling” in Pakistani affairs. She discusses how foreign dealings in Pakistan could be a result of history wherein political infrastructure was never put in place, inevitably making Pakistan reliant on foreign assistance for development.
There are times when I am tempted to accept Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) as a genuine political party. However, thankfully, I come to my senses as soon as MQM attempts one of those fascist maneuvers that have become synonymous with MQM. If anyone pays close attention, it is not difficult to see a pattern with […]
Zainab Jeewanjee contrasts Christopher Hitchens piece: Why does Pakistan Hate the United States with Dr. Goodson’s article “Pakistan is the most dangerous place in the world”, published at the Strategic Studies Institute. Although both articles describe the problems of a “transactional relationship” between both countries, Jeewanjee says Dr. Goodson’s piece offers an accurate assessment of the issue.
Zainab Jeewanjee discusses the Boston Globe’s recommendation that America remain neutral as Pakistan gears itself for regime change. She lists the potential list of future leaders and offers reasons as to why it’s in our interest to remain neutral in each case.
December 18, 2009 Dear Chief Justice Ifitkhar Chaudhury It seems you are an activist chief justice, and are quite eager to take up Suo Motoactions supposedly to bring about justice and resolve outstanding issues that confront Pakistan. Here are some my suggestions to you; three issues that many Pakistanis feel deserve your immediate attention: 1. […]
Zainab Jeewanjee reviews Pakistani politics for 2009. While terrorism dominates the landscape and bilateral relations with the United states, there is hope for a better 2010 in a free, fair media that is rapidly expanding. Jeewanjee discusses an overview of this year, the person who had the most impact and the most unexpected event of 2009 in Pakistan.
Zainab Jeewanjee reports on Pakistan’s supreme court ruling that the National Reconciliation Ordinance be overturned. Originally put in place by General Pervez Musharraf, NRO will re-open thousands of top government officials corruption cases, but makes current President Asif Ali Zardari the main target of this ruling. Zainab Jeewanjee reports this is politicking in Pakistan as the Supreme Court’s ambitions may be more than noble: as the Foreign Policy Magazine notes, they could be a means to settling a political score with current leadership.
“Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.” Oscar Wilde National Reconciliation Ordinance was declared null and void by Pakistan’s Supreme Court under the questionable leadership of Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry, a man many believe to be inspiring for a higher office. As soon as the news […]
Zainab Jeewanjee explains why the United States can’t pull out of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Withdrawing troops entails competing foreign powers, such as China, Russia and India stepping in as influential leaders in the strategic Af-Pak region. With energy and security interests in both countries, the United States is a needed stabilizer until some security, and development is reached in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
It is nauseating to see people being slaughtered in Pakistan these days. Human life has no respect for barbaric animals responsible for these bombings and suicide attacks. And if the news of bombings and killing was not enough, I was horrified to learn that Lahore’s commissioner (incorrectly) blames India for these attacks while Punjab’s law […]