Foreign Policy Blogs

Energy & Environment

Big Day on The Hill

The Senate , The Committee on Environment and Public Works today marked up the "Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act" (S. 2191).  This has the support of America's leading environmental organizations, a coalition of four major religious organizations, and the Apollo Alliance, an initiative by labor unions and others to rejuvenate "our nation's economy by creating the next […]

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A Quick Update on the Energy Bill

Cross your fingers.  The House of Representatives might yet include critical provisions that are devoutly to be wished.  Reuters reports that a letter sent by the House Democratic leadership today to its members says the pending bill, due for a vote in the House tomorrow or Thursday, would have a provision that "strengthens and extends […]

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Update on Energy Bill and An Animation

Renewable fuel compromise key to bill is the headline from A.P. and we learn, among other things, that “Democratic leaders working on an energy bill were trying to forge compromises Monday to increase the use of renewable fuels both in cars and by electric utilities after reaching a deal earlier that would raise vehicle fuel […]

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More Road to Bali

The U.S. government seems to be making a truly constructive move on climate change for a change.  The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative announced an agreement today between the U.S. and the E.U. proposing "eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services, particularly clean energy technologies."  Trade Representative Susan Schwab will go […]

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Santa's Early Gifts for Renewables and Energy Efficiency

Dems Reach Deal on Energy Bill is the headline from A.P. this morning. What’s in? A 40% boost in the CAFE standards for the automakers and a 15% renewable portfolio standard for the utilities. What’s out? It appears that the rescission of the $16 billion tax breaks presently being enjoyed by the oil and gas […]

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The Road to Bali

The Road to Bali

Bali and the UN meetings start next Monday, December 3, and run through midmonth.  These talks are to formally kick off the negotiations for a post-Kyoto regime on addressing the climate change crisis.  It seems like lots of folks are headed out there.  I'm now getting about 20 emails a day inviting me to "side events" […]

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British Commonwealth on Climate Change

The heads of government of the Commonwealth have just concluded their biennial meeting, having convened in Uganda.  On the subject of climate change, they have put forth a unified position.  It appears, however, that it is a watered-down position from what almost all of the 53 nations wished to say.  Why?  In the words of […]

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Australia Has New Leadership and New Tack on Global Warming

In a development expected for months, Australia's Labor Party won the national parliamentary elections and will install Kevin Rudd as the new Prime Minister.  Rudd has been vocal about getting Australia into a much higher gear in dealing with climate change.  Here's the story from AP:  Rudd makes global warming a priority.  Labor has ambitious […]

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King Coal

Enough hasn't been said about coal here.  This is the 600-pound gorilla, sans doute.  A friend gave me Big Coal by Jeff Goodell to read and I will get around to it in December during my winter break between semesters where I'm teaching.  I have, though, had the time to see Goodell and some other […]

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IPCC Final Report

A contemporary variation of "the dog ate my homework" might be "the server ate my blog post" which, in my case, it did.  The FPA was doing some sort of server-switcheroo hocus pocus and my post from last Friday got swallowed up in the maw of cryptocyberlimbo.  So, here it is, better late than never, and all […]

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Quick Update on Energy Bills

The energy bills are under threat of having the tax credits for renewables and the renewable portfolio standard unceremoniously yanked by the Democratic leadership.  (See last post from November 10 immediately below.)  Here's a good look, from, at the what and the why of this:  Lessons from The Political Process: Energy Bill Woes.  See […]

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Some Great Reads

The Energy Bills – First, before we get to the reading opportunities, there are rumors in the blogosphere that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are going to offer up the renewable portfolio standard and renewable tax credits as sacrificial lambs to the gods of fossil fuel and nuclear power.  See Bye, bye, Ms. Renewable Pie […]

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Sustainability at the Airports

I had the opportunity this summer to write on how American airports are embracing sustainability.  I found a pretty great story:  a really smart, passionate and committed corps of professionals are creating a very brave new world indeed at our airports.  See the story, The Only Way to Fly, from "Planning," the magazine of the […]

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World Poll Shows Support for Green Taxes

World Poll Shows Support for Green Taxes

The BBC has released a poll showing that people " are ready to make personal sacrifices , including paying more for their energy , to help address climate change."  Support for carbon taxes (see previous post below) is very high when it's framed that the money would go to help further renewable energy and energy […]

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Mike Bloomberg and the Carbon Tax

I've written about Big Apple Mayor Michael Bloomberg's ambitious energy and environmental plans on a number of occasions.  See Congestion Pricing in New York from July and Mike Bloomberg's Earth Day from April.  As someone who would've had a role working on environmental issues had Bloomberg's opponent, Mark Green, won in 2001, I might be […]

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