As Iran’s economy is likely to become a bonanza for foreign companies in the upcoming years, Russia is preparing to secure its share.
As Iran’s economy is likely to become a bonanza for foreign companies in the upcoming years, Russia is preparing to secure its share.
Africa’s economic prospects have always been a topic of great consternations for local governments and international analysts and commentators. A continent rich in commodities (oil, diamonds, minerals), with a favorable demographic trends, and the potential for economic growth, has historically been ‘stuck in the muck’. Yet, things are turning around, and the past decade has […]
As the Arab Spring is turning to its second (and harder) phase of conducting elections and forming legitimate transitional government, the need for an economic strategy is becoming painfully apparent. The people, who marched on the streets demanding political freedom, were also demonstrating for economic freedom and the general improvement of their future economic prospects. […]
A huge topic in academia at the moment is the changing global economic and political landscape. The “Reshaping Power, Shifting Boundaries” theme of the 2012 International Political Science Association conference being held in Madrid in July is a testament of this. Academics from around the world will gather to discuss how power is being reconfigured […]
As developments unfolded in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) during the past 8 months, one thing has become abundantly clear: the political transformation will not survive without an economic transformation. As many analyst have pointed out, an overwhelming motivation of the people who took to the streets with the ‘Arab Spring’ was the […]
Last month Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proclaimed, in an article for the Foreign Policy Magazine, ‘America’s Pacific Century’! This week, President Obama will be laying the foundation through a series of multilateral meetings involving Pacific Rim countries. He will start with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Hawaii (Nov 12th-13th), and continue at […]
Global economic developments this year, along with the impact of safe-haven investment flows have led to the appreciation of the dollar in global markets, contributed to the high level of unemployment in the U.S. and increased the chances for a double-dip recession in America. All these developments have further highlighted the international tensions over exchange […]
The TARP covered banks across the nation The US government’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was such a success that it not only saved America’s financial system, with the help of the Federal Reserve, it also saved the global economy AND turned a profit for the US taxpayer. It was almost three years ago, during […]
The Federal Reserve Board With right-wing Republican presidential candidates these days either calling for the Fed to be abolished (Ron Paul) or simply calling the nation’s central bank “treasonous” (Rick Perry), thinking citizens should at least be concerned about the Fed’s activities. I defended the Fed on this blog and still do. People who should […]
This week the members of the G8 will hold their annual meeting in Deauville France, to discuss issues ranging from non-proliferation and counter-terrorism to the internet and transatlantic cocaine trafficking. Although these are all very important issues, the only agenda topic that matters is the ‘Arab Spring’ and how some of the eight wealthier nations […]
The World Trade Organization announced the Appellate Body’s ruling on Friday, which essentially bars counties from imposing the “double dipping” duties in retaliation for dumping. The Appellate Body also affirmed that when a state had majority ownership of an enterprise this made it necessarily a “pubic body.” Long story short, While the US is not happy, both […]
Below are some interesting Global Trade related links: PRI’s The World: An Alternative to the Panama Canal – They’ve been talking about making these “dry canals” for years. Doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense, but neither did the Panama Canal. NYTimes: Maersk Line Orders 10 Container Ships With Options to Buy More – […]
Well, I was wrong, The U.S. and South Korea did manage to get a Free Trade Agreement signed last month. This one, of course, replaces the FTA signed by President Bush in 2007. This deal is very similar to that one except it is better for the auto industry and worse for the meat industry. […]
President Obama appointed Bill Daley as White House Chief of Staff this week. I see this as a very positive development from a trade perspective as he has a history of being pro business and pro trade. I am hoping this will mean a new pushed on trade issues that have been all but ignored […]