Foreign Policy Blogs


Immigration – a topic that affects us all

Immigration – a topic that affects us all

On May Day, thousands of immigrants across the world took to the streets to demonstrate. While in Germany immigrant and Muslim rights groups were voices among many in the traditional May Day (Labor Day across Europe) marches, migrant organizations in the US seized the moment to remind Congress that the promised, comprehensive immigration policy reform is still […]

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Remittance recession?

The Washington Post is reporting that remittance payments from US resident immigrants to Latin American countries has slowed down over the past two months. While remittances are subject to cyclical economics, much like any other payments, analysts are speculating whether this could signal a more profound shift: “Many remittance-rich nations would fall into a recession […]

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Weekly news roundup

This week's news roundup features stories on racial inequality in the UK, an update on the immigration debate in the US and Canada's search for new migrants to help it cope with its recent oil boom: ITV, the UK news channel, features a story on research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation according to which people […]

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Friday funnies: Snoop Dogg persona non grata

Friday funnies: Snoop Dogg persona non grata

Even high-profile migrants have got to fit the bill. Australia's immigration services have banned rapper Snoop Dogg from entering the country after he failed a character test. The BBC quotes Immigration Minister, Kevin Andrews, who notes: “He doesn't seem the sort of bloke we want in this country.” The star, whose real name is Calvin […]

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Mistaken identity?

Mistaken identity?

In their often desperate plea to find work in the U.S., more and more illegal immigrants are turning to counterfeit organizations to provide them with social security number or new identities. The scope of the problem became evident following a number of raids at meatpacking plants in the Midwest.  On April 25 federal authorities charged […]

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Dual Canadian Citizens "Convicted" Abroad

Dual Canadian Citizens "Convicted" Abroad

On April 21st 2007 Egyptian born Canadian Mohammed El-Attar was ultimately convicted as a spy in an Egyptian court this past weekend. He was accused of spying for Israel and recruiting Arabs in Canada to assist him in his activities. While the court claims to have obtained a confession of his activities, it is said […]

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Quelle surprise: the French elections

Quelle surprise: the French elections

As many analysts had predicted: it's 'sego’ vs. 'sarko’ in the run-off election for the French Presidency on May 6. The race is now on to win the 18% of the electorate that gave their vote to centrist candidate François Bayrou. Given that Bayrou advocated a moderate take on immigration control, largely favoring the EU […]

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Part II: History of French immigration policy

Part II: History of French immigration policy

The elections in 2002 were remarkable for a number of reasons: first, immigration became a major issue of contention after it had been largely ignored for years, and second, the right-wing Front National was able to use it successfully to its advantage. In a vote that shocked the nation, former Prime Minister, Lionel Jospin was shut […]

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Weekly news roundup

This week's news roundup features stories from Iraq, the UK, France and Russia:  UK Home Secretary, John Reid, is coming under fire from right-wing critics. Civitas, a right-wing think tank has argued that people have been allowed to enter the UK “at record pace.” Mr. Reid has acknowledged that illegal immigration creates insecuritites and a […]

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Hard-line hangover?

Hard-line hangover?

French presidential hopeful, Nicolas Sarkozy, is coming under fire from those nipping at his heals ahead of Sunday's election. It seems as though the hard-line stance he has been advocating throughout the months of campaigning is now beginning to haunt him. Reuters rounds up the criticism Sarkozy's opponents have been lobbing at him over the […]

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Somali Refugees: From Mogadishu to Sana'a

In 2006 the UNHCR reported that nearly 26,000 Somalis made the journey from Somalia to Yemen that year, and approximately 330 died while 300 were declared missing and reported dead. With the ongoing conflict in the East African nation of Somalia, the urge to leave for many grows as the conflict continues. The risk of […]

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The Burden Hardest to Bear: The Refugees of Iraq

The Burden Hardest to Bear: The Refugees of Iraq

On April 17th 2007 the BBC World Service broadcast a story which until recently has received little attention in the media. With the tensions and deaths of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and the UN focus on Iran and missing sailors, the consequences of conflict in the region has only recently focused on the resulting […]

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Checking up on illegal immigrants

Checking up on illegal immigrants

Verifying the identity of illegal migrants and cracking down on companies that employ migrants without legal documentation is the subject of a number of articles and commentaries this week. In their often desperate quest for work in the United States, illegal migrants have resorted to what the New York Times calls “a growing trade in […]

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Guest Posting: Tajikistanibashi? or, non-strategic realignment

Over on her very interesting blog, our fellow FPA analyst Bonnie Boyd provides insights into the new policies of Tajik President Rakhmon, which have an impact on Tajik migrants and their remittance payments.  …Though President Rakhmon has not yet descended into full  Tajikistanibashi mode, this ruling will have several short-term and medium-term effects on its […]

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Weekly news roundup

HIV-AIDS activists in Australia are up in arms after Prime Minister John Howard has floated the idea that migrants with the disease could be denied access to the country. The BBC reports that officials from the city of Calais and NGO groups are meeting to discuss the possible re-opening of a new asylum camp, dubbed 'sangatte II’.  […]

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