As China and India continue to face off over a tiny patch of Himalayan highland, Bhutan is caught in the middle with the dispute as much about Bhutan’s foreign policy as it is about territory.
As China and India continue to face off over a tiny patch of Himalayan highland, Bhutan is caught in the middle with the dispute as much about Bhutan’s foreign policy as it is about territory.
In the last two months there have been rising tensions in the Himalayas between India and China over disputed territories, the world should take notice.
India’s external trade has grown significantly with the continent across the Indian Ocean. There are many similarities the regions share in both challenges and opportunities, and plans are evolving to strengthen partnerships.
In their June 26 meeting President Trump and Prime Minister Modi voiced their mutual admiration as the nations grapple with a complex relationship.
With Beijing holding the majority of AIIB’s voting rights, the bank is seen by analysts as a deliberate effort to pull Asian countries closer into China’s orbit.
Vietnam and China pledged to settle disputes and to work toward a code of conduct for maritime operations after Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to Beijing.
If Trump wants to take his China policy to its logical conclusion, he should capitalize on and galvanize strategic ties with India.
U.S.-Russian hostilities have decreased U.S. strategic options with respect to China, enabling Shinzo Abe’s own Russian diplomacy to be more fruitful.
Narendra Modi turned his country’s economy upside down by banning its two most common bank notes in an effort to combat the proliferation of “black money”.
The escalating India-China rivalry in the region is increasingly dwarfing all other issues regarding the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
In the face of China’s continued assertiveness, other nations are partnering up to increase defense cooperation, including Vietnam and India.
Despite previous aggressive actions by Chinese vessels, Malaysia has ignored them, not wishing to disturb its trade and investment relationships with China.
The U.S. decision to lift its arms embargo against Vietnam must factor in Russian rivalry and regional economic considerations.
After the 1947 partitioning, one third of the total Muslim population in the British colony were to remain in India. Today, Indian Muslims still have trouble finding their voice and a sense of community.
In contrast to the more vocal governments in Manila and Hanoi, not much is heard these days concerning Brunei’s claims in the South China Sea.