Over the last 15 years, the fervent embrace of drone strikes have helped the U.S. create the most far-reaching counterterrorism apparatus in history.
Over the last 15 years, the fervent embrace of drone strikes have helped the U.S. create the most far-reaching counterterrorism apparatus in history.
Inflicting a series of defeats on ISIS, Kurds have emerged from obscurity to become a major force in the Syrian conflict.
North Korea’s latest missile test represents an evident shift in the region’s balance of power, threatening the U.S. and its allies.
The outcome of the Brexit vote is a harbinger of a pivoting away from the globalization process and the strengthening of supranational institutions.
In February, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bill to rename the street in front of the Chinese embassy “Liu Xiaobo Plaza” in honor of the imprisoned Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye has been negotiating with China and Iran in order to gain an advantage in future talks with Kim Jong-un’s regime.
NATO should strengthen both aspects of this renewed dual-track policy—responding to the security needs of its most exposed members, while at the same time advocating dialogue and transparency to diffuse tension in their relations with Russia.
ISIS’s increased activity abroad is a sign of weakness rather than strength: the group has lost around 20% of its territory in Syria and over 40% in Iraq since its peak expansion in August 2014.
At Hiroshima, the U.S. should project a tone of deepening conciliation, highlighting that the real cement between us and other nations—in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Americas—is a culture of freedom.
Where governments are unable or unwilling to venture, at least publicly, for fear of losing credibility with their electorates or their allies, parallel diplomacy can offer a way forward.
If Chinese government front groups are operating illegally in the United States, the U.S. government has a responsibility to act in the matter and enforce the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
President Obama will have a hard time assisting EU leaders in their fight against terrorism, and in dealing with economic stagnation and mass migration
In a potential geopolitical tit-for-tat, some analysts warn Beijing may soon declare an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the South China Sea, should the U.S. go ahead with plans to conduct a freedom of navigation exercise announced for April.
On Friday, the U.S. Navy officially announced another episode of its planned “freedom of navigation” series in the South China Sea, shortly after U.S. President Barack Obama met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at a nuclear summit in Washington.
Obama has set out to improve economic and political ties with the country since the election of Mauricio Macri, a centrist pro-market president that vowed to break from the Kirchner legacy.