While the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye paralyzed South Korea’s diplomatic service, Japan has worked to strengthen Trump’s commitment to its defense.
While the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye paralyzed South Korea’s diplomatic service, Japan has worked to strengthen Trump’s commitment to its defense.
What is the nature of Tehran’s aggressions and what are possible non-military policy options for containing the threat posed by the Iranian regime?
Vietnam and China pledged to settle disputes and to work toward a code of conduct for maritime operations after Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to Beijing.
What makes Tillerson’s bellicosity even more absurd is that the U.S. position in the South China Sea has never been weaker.
Pyongyang wants to develop a nuclear capable ICBM, capable of hitting the United States’ west coast. This could become a reality as early as this year.
The protest received little attention in the U.S. but was widely reported in China as evidence of “overseas Chinese” support for Beijing’s “one-China” policy.
If Trump wants to take his China policy to its logical conclusion, he should capitalize on and galvanize strategic ties with India.
Striving to maintain American superiority in space does not just protect the U.S., but considering the alternatives, also makes the world a safer place.
40 years ago, two million Vietnamese refugees resettled in the U.S. FPA spoke to Vietnamese-Americans to see how U.S. sentiment towards refugees has changed.
Many are wondering how the nomination of General James “Mad Dog” Mattis as the new Secretary of Defense will influence future U.S.-China relations.
China’s leadership is surely fretting over the long-term consequences of a Trump presidency on Sino-U.S. ties and cross-Strait relations.
The media focuses on US foreign policy with regard to the Iran nuclear deal or relations with Russia. But little is discussed about the role of aid under Trump.
The pivot is part business, foreign policy and philanthropy. One of the best tools the to advance the pivot is the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
Under the U.S. Foreign Military Financing program, the Philippines is currently the largest recipient of U.S. funds in the Asia-Pacific region.
China can no longer be patient with its rambunctious neighbor. A number of Chinese experts have recently recognized that Kim Jong-un is a worn-out nuisance.