Foreign Policy Blogs

Trade & Economics

Why the 'Financial Media' Got it All Wrong

Jon Stewart, of Comedy Central’s ‘The Daily Show,’ skewers the hypocrisy of the financial news media claim to deliver “ahead of the curve” insider knowledge and access to business and financial decision-makers. In reality, all they appear do is to act as cheerleaders for Wall Street by rallying investors to “Buy! Buy! Buy!” as the Market tumbled over a cliff.

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President Obama & PM Gordon Brown Prep for G-20

President Obama hosts British PM Gordon Brown at the White House. Brown wants to engage President Obama in a ‘gobal new deal’ era of coordinated economic policy at next month’s G-20 Summit in London, stating: ‘Globalisation is not an option, it is a fact.’

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An Informed Discussion of Bank 'Nationalization'

Charlie Rose interviews Fred Mishkin, Nouriel Roubini, et al. This is a concise — but informed — discussion of where we are, and where we need to go as far as the current American banking and financial crisis. The interview by Charlie Rose of Fred Mishkin (Columbia University), Nouriel Roubini (NYU), Mark Zandi (Moody’s) and others […]

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Ukraine Bank Crisis May Act as US-Europe Example

Ukraine Bank Crisis May Act as US-Europe Example

Clifford Levy writes an incisive peice about the current Ukranian financial crisis in today’s New York Times. The Ukrain experience has close parallels to what’s happening in the U.S. and western Europe, but on a smaller stage. Could this be where we are headed..??

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World Press Review World Press Review is an excellent aggregator of breaking news headlines and analysis from the often forgotten corners of the world. The paper covers the major industrialized Markets; but it does a much better job of reporting from the dusty, but relevant , corners of the world. Expect to see well written analysis from […]

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Financial Times of London World Page The Financial Times of London’s (now commonly known as ‘FT’) World Page website is an adequate, though not among the best, compendiums of world headlines. It provides a decidely Anglo-American perspective on world affairs. While you’re there, however, also take a look at the ‘World Markets Data’ and the ‘Global Economy’ page — which […]

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Economic Prosperity & Global Leadership

Economic Prosperity & Global Leadership

President Obama, in his first address before a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress outlined the vision and policy priorities for his Administration. Prominently outlined as part of that vision for a 21st century America was a finely calibrated connection between the economic prosperity of the nation, and maintaining the U.S. position as the dominant […]

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The End of Western-style Capitalism..?? Nouriel Roubini writing recently in Forbes magazine argues that the the current global financial crisis lays bare the failure and weaknesses of western-style capitalism, or the ‘Laissez-Faire’ paradigm. Traditionally, only emerging markets suffered severe economic shocks from such crises — and still suffer — from such problems. However, as current conditions are indicating, such […]

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Worse Than Japan..?? Lessons in History

The ‘Finance and Economics’ section of the February 12 issue of the Economist magazine contains a compelling article that draws parallels between the current U.S. banking crisis and similar experiences by other rich nations — and more specifically in comparison to Japan’s experience. To paraphrase, history, it says, offers a rich array of banking crises […]

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Economist magazine The daily rag-of-choice for the G-8 mindset as far as mainstream global business and economic thinking goes. Typically sardonic and decidedly critical and pessimistic in outlook about most global economic thinking falling outside of the status-quo, but it stays abreast of critical world economic developments.

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RGE Monitor This is Nouriel Roubini’s Global Economic Monitor website. It’s the shizzle as far as global economic and market intelligence websites go. It’s a subscription site, but you can still get objective insight and perspective on global markets from the lead-ins.

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What is 'Economic Foreign Policy'..??

What is 'Economic Foreign Policy'..??

President Obama & PM Stephen Harper of Canada. Many, yet, do not grasp the intrinsic connection between the economy, global financial Markets and foreign policy. If ever there were a great example of ‘Economic Foregin Policy’ at work, it was displayed today in President Obama’s first foreign trip to visit our northern neighbor, Canada. The […]

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Bestseller's List

Fixing Global Finance By Martin Wolf (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008) The latest book from FT economics columnist, Martin Wolf, explains why global imbalances cause financial crises—including the one ravaging the U. S.  right now — and outlines the steps for confronting this destructive cycle. Reviewing global financial crises since 1980, Wolf lays bare […]

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Economic Nationalism

This week’s (7 Feb 2009) issue of the ‘Economist’ magazine has a brilliant cover story — not about the emergence, but rather, the return of economic nationalism led, unfortuantely, by the former Bush administration’s penchant for protectionist ‘bi-lateralism’. It’s an interesting peice set in context of an emerging consensus on Capitol Hill that weak money-center […]

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