Foreign Policy Blogs

Tag Archives: Canada

The NAFTA Trap

The NAFTA Trap

In the mid-1960s, during the height of the American auto industry’s success in Detroit and surrounding border states, the US and Canada developed the Auto Pact. The Auto Pact brought Canada into the thriving industrial base in the northern region of the United States and over the years integrated Canadian and American auto production under […]

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G6+1 Sworn to Protect the Law-Ruled World from “Tribal Anarchism”

G6+1 Sworn to Protect the Law-Ruled World from “Tribal Anarchism”

The leaders of the 7-largest global economies gathered on the beautiful bank of Quebec’s St. Lawrence river to acknowledge their commitment to resolve dire global issues according to “our shared values of freedom, democracy, (and) the rule of law.” The world has turned more or less into a shooting venue for a Spaghetti Western film […]

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Voting Against the Law of Corruption

Voting Against the Law of Corruption

While difficult to measure a few months before elections are to take place, major national and regional changes are coming to the Americas, with votes likely determining the future economic and security focus of the region. When considering NAFTA, it could be that the waves created by Trumps bargaining approach may be less of a […]

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Playing Political Games with Other People’s Tragedies

Playing Political Games with Other People’s Tragedies

An effective tool for prolonging many of the genocides over the last one hundred years was to make sure that the human rights atrocities were either unknown, the information was skewed, or by diminishing the act itself through language and politics. The recent moves by some in Poland’s government to diminish Poland’s role in the […]

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Voce Abusou: Corruption as a Permanent Impairment to Society

Voce Abusou: Corruption as a Permanent Impairment to Society

A well known song from Antonio Carlos e Jocafi could easily run though someone’s mind when reading about corruption in their native Brazil. Voce abusou, or You abuse me is how many citizens feel when members from political parties or elite members of a society take advantage of the public purse. It is not only a […]

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UN Policy Problems Permeating National Refugee Policy

UN Policy Problems Permeating National Refugee Policy

A large policy discussion is taking place between the US government and the UN, refocusing, and in many cases slashing US contributions to UN agencies to adjust closer to current US foreign policy approaches. One example of an extensive refocus is with a new policy to put funding and attention towards religious minorities in Iraq. […]

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U.S.’ ‘True North’ Brother Will Pave the Path to Peace in East Asia

U.S.’ ‘True North’ Brother Will Pave the Path to Peace in East Asia

Canada is expected to bridge international efforts to upgrade the ‘maximum pressure’ campaign against Kim Jung Un ’s deceitful brinkmanship into a more principled pacifying denuclearization discourse. On Jan. 16th, the U.S. and his ‘true north’ brother will co-host a foreign-minister-level meeting for the 16 United Nations command sending states plus South Korea, Japan, India, […]

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How the drive for North American energy independence could save NAFTA

How the drive for North American energy independence could save NAFTA

Current negotiations between Canada, Mexico and the United States to revise and modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) have been characterized by notable disagreements and heavy demands across parties, as well as threats from US President Donald Trump to exit the current agreement altogether. However, the energy sector – and North American energy […]

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An Independent Catalonia May Promote Worldwide Independence Movements

An Independent Catalonia May Promote Worldwide Independence Movements

National governments in federally unified states rarely allow for a national legal process to break up its own federation.

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Is The Five Eyes Network Still Relevant Today?

Is The Five Eyes Network Still Relevant Today?

In one word—yes.

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Beyond NAFTA: Issues in North American Free Trade

Beyond NAFTA: Issues in North American Free Trade

Beyond NAFTA, Mexico and Canada could benefit greatly from a boom in the U.S. economy if it is accompanied by wise domestic policy decisions.

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Britain after Brexit: Potential for a Global Network

Britain after Brexit: Potential for a Global Network

Britain, along with Japan, Canada, Australia, Korea and Norway could create a network of safe and neutral financial and service havens: the G4N.

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Why are we Ignoring a Genocide?

Why are we Ignoring a Genocide?

Despite the EU and the US confirming this fact, the Canadian government has resisted calling the atrocities taking place in Syria and Iraq a genocide.

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Will Beijing Declare Another Air Defense Zone?

Will Beijing Declare Another Air Defense Zone?

In a potential geopolitical tit-for-tat, some analysts warn Beijing may soon declare an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the South China Sea, should the U.S. go ahead with plans to conduct a freedom of navigation exercise announced for April.

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Is Populism Bad for the Economy?

Is Populism Bad for the Economy?

While Latin America is slowly turning its back away from populist policies, it looks like North America might give it a shot.

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Foreign Policy Blogs is a network of global affairs blogs and a supplement to the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions program. Staffed by professional contributors from the worlds of journalism, academia, business, non-profits and think tanks, the FPB network tracks global developments on Great Decisions 2014 topics, daily. The FPB network is a production of the Foreign Policy Association.