Foreign Policy Blogs

Tag Archives: China

The Highlights and Lowlights of the ASEAN Bangkok Summits

The Highlights and Lowlights of the ASEAN Bangkok Summits

The recent 35th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit and other related summits in Bangkok fell below expectations, providing fodder to armchair sceptics who believe such summits are a waste of time. But on closer inspection, these summits can still be viewed as a glass half-full in reasserting ASEAN’s regionalism in the Indo-Pacific.   […]

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Macron, Europe, NATO, and Maybe Us?

Macron, Europe, NATO, and Maybe Us?

  Brain Dead or Not, What’s its value to America? Emmanuel Macron’s views, as voiced in an interview with the Economist,  suggest that America needs to clarify what America is.  Americans will note Macron’s reference to the “brain death of NATO,” but the issue runs deeper than that one alliance.  Unaddressed, the sentiment Macron voices could […]

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Op-ed: Kashmir: Indian actions not in the US interest

Op-ed: Kashmir: Indian actions not in the US interest

Following years of unrelenting repression and humiliation of Kashmiris, India has finally extinguished their last ray of hope by repealing Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution – both of which had granted Kashmir a special status. India did so in violation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions that forbade annexation of the […]

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The Trade Bone’s Connected to the Yuan Bone …

The Trade Bone’s Connected to the Yuan Bone …

  We have not yet begun to fight! The Trump Administration’s August 5 designation of China as a currency manipulator marks a new crossing of policy lanes in US-China relations.  In the many facets of that relationship and the rising tension between the two, America needs a clear understanding of our objectives and priorities.   Followers of […]

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Malaysia’s Foreign Policy Balancing Act

Malaysia’s Foreign Policy Balancing Act

One year on since the 2018 electoral victory, Malaysia’s Pakatan Harapan government, led by Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has kept the main thrust of foreign policy of past governments of the Barisan Nasional. But slight readjustments have been made to reorient Malaysia’s foreign policy to the center, enabling Pakatan to strive for more balance […]

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Elements Determining Modern Defense Strategy

Elements Determining Modern Defense Strategy

In a documentary developed in 2018 called Rise of the Superbombs, the details of future defense threats are analyzed. One that might affect current policy and strategic defense initiatives is the possible use of hypersonic weapons in repelling or eliminating one of the most dominant weapons systems available to superpower countries, the Aircraft Carrier. Aircraft […]

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The Dangers of a Future Mission

The Dangers of a Future Mission

A few short weeks ago, a shipment of S-400 missiles from Russia to China were lost at sea. While the shipment was replaced and likely covered by some type of insurance, the notable issue should be that S-400 missiles are now being exported outside of Russia. The export of the older S-300 system was always […]

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Op-ed: Have You Heard About “Made In China 2025”? You Will

Op-ed: Have You Heard About “Made In China 2025”? You Will

Seeking to become a dominant force in global high-tech manufacturing, the Chinese government launched what’s being called “Made in China 2025.” By using subsidies, mobilizing state-owned enterprises, and pursuing intellectual property acquisition, the program aims to catch up with, and then surpass, western technological prowess in advanced industries. However, Washington argues that the policy relies […]

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Taking the long route: China’s path to global leadership

Taking   the   long   route: China’s path to global leadership

Under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, the United States of America is progressively distancing from its global leadership role. President Trump is clear that he wants American dollars spent on American people. In line with this ethos, America has withdrawn from major treaties to focus on getting its own house in order – […]

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Op-ed: America’s Addiction to Cheap Manufacturing Is Coming Back to Haunt It

Op-ed: America’s Addiction to Cheap Manufacturing Is Coming Back to Haunt It

America’s ongoing trade war with China has underscored the contentious business practices the Asian power has instituted over the years. Many of these have resulted from the United States’ over-reliance on external manufacturing, particularly for the technology sector. This over reliance has exposed the nation’s supply chain to vulnerabilities that have jeopardized the corporate and […]

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New York trial casts new scrutiny on China’s Belt and Road Initiative

New York trial casts new scrutiny on China’s Belt and Road Initiative

According to prosecutors, the trial of Patrick Ho was simply business. The Chinese financier, found guilty of orchestrating a multi-million dollar bribery scheme in Africa, wasn’t the victim of a US smear campaign as his defense claimed. No, he was simply brought to justice for violating US laws while working for an US-based organization. Yet […]

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Are China and Australia beginning to mend a frayed relationship?

Are China and Australia beginning to mend a frayed relationship?

Additions to Australia’s recently formed Cabinet have attempted to mend a somewhat fractious relationship between Canberra and Beijing, and economically, there is no relationship more important to Australia. But has the efforts of these ministers been a success, or will the negative actions taken towards China by Australia’s former government caused irreparable damage? Australia’s sixth […]

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DPP’s Mid-term Exam

DPP’s Mid-term Exam

In 2014 Local Election and the Presidential Election in 2016, Tsai Ing-wen and her pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party(DPP) swiped Taiwan, from Parliament to local governments. This Saturday, the first local election after Tsai’ s administrations came to power will be held. From 2014 to 2016, DPP’s power grew rapidly as President Ma from Nationalist Party […]

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Pence’s statement of US intent at APEC

Pence’s statement of US intent at APEC

The annual Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit recently took place in Papua New Guinea. Controversy has shrouded the build-up to the event; the local government decided it was a good idea to purchase 40 Maseratis to chauffeur attending dignitaries, in a country where poverty is rampant, while two cruise ships were docked in the harbour […]

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Forgotten Flash Point: East China Sea

Forgotten Flash Point: East China Sea

Beijing’s expanding military presence in the South China Sea (SCS) continues to attract the world’s attention. Tensions over the ownership of islands and the legitimacy for building artificial ones escalate, with some outsiders also joining the battlefield, including the U.S. and Japan. However, the dispute over SCS pales in comparison to the crises that happened […]

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Foreign Policy Blogs is a network of global affairs blogs and a supplement to the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions program. Staffed by professional contributors from the worlds of journalism, academia, business, non-profits and think tanks, the FPB network tracks global developments on Great Decisions 2014 topics, daily. The FPB network is a production of the Foreign Policy Association.