History never repeats; but it rhymes, and it often echoes. What can Robert Kaplan’s study of the mujahidin teach us about ISIS?
History never repeats; but it rhymes, and it often echoes. What can Robert Kaplan’s study of the mujahidin teach us about ISIS?
Trump’s over-simplistic diagnosis of the threat to America specifically, and the world in general, is off the mark, and so is his prescription.
Immediate speculation following the coup attempt says that Turkey is likely to move further away from the West. But Ankara has deep ties with Europe and is an important member of NATO.
During the Forum, Secretary Johnson focused on the evolving nature of the terrorism threat, what we need to do in response, and the need for resiliency.
The latest string of violence increases risk of anti-migrant feelings and political tensions as Merkel is weakened by the refugee crisis.
Islamists not only look at religion as a panacea to political issues, but also as a provider of social justice and an engine of economic prosperity.
Talking to locals in Burmese coffee shops reveals optimism about Myanmar’s future and its fledgling relationship with the West.
Decision makers in the Middle East love coming up with visions. They spend large sums of money on long-term strategic plans, with little regard for results.
The recent attack on the Istanbul Ataturk airport by ISIS will only exacerbate Turkey’s serious tourism and economic woes.
Senator McCain has blamed President Obama’s Iraq policy for the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida. His argument doesn’t stand scrutiny.
Inflicting a series of defeats on ISIS, Kurds have emerged from obscurity to become a major force in the Syrian conflict.
From an impoverished land into a prosperous nation with military agreements with the U.S. and the UK, Oman’s progress may come crashing to a halt.
Current governments of Syria, Iraq and Kurdistan should rule over their ethnic populations while Sunni areas should be occupied by foreign Sunni powers.
In an April 2015 Gallup poll, President Obama’s administration won the highest approval rating of any world leader among non-U.S. citizens.