Last August, North Korea launched what is believed to be a Hwasong-12 ballistic missile towards Japan, threatening a key US ally in the region.
Last August, North Korea launched what is believed to be a Hwasong-12 ballistic missile towards Japan, threatening a key US ally in the region.
The United States has made some efforts to develop a missile defense system against a North Korean ICBM, but the system may not be all that we would wish.
The first week in July in 2017 saw the launch of a medium range Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, or ICBM out of North Korea. The Hwasong-14 missile was launched from a mobile launcher, similar in function to that of the Russian Topol-M launch vehicle. While tested from a mobile platform, the test firing was based near […]
This week conflict between the United States and its allies in Syria against the Syrian regime, Russia, and Iran heated up.
Understanding what Russian large-scale military exercises are designed to accomplish could offer answers and highlight areas that NATO should closely watch.
What prevented nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union for decades were the efforts to communicate and ultimately reduce the stockpiling of ICBMs.
Approaches to create safe zones are being sought by Russia, Turkey and Iran in an effort to reverse the mass migration out of Syria.
By expanding its land reclamation activities in the South China Sea and growing the PLA’s global clout, China is reinforcing its influence in the Asia-Pacific.
Could Trump’s “America First” isolationism, professed during his electoral campaign, decrease the U.S.’ role in the world, and ultimately its security?
The idea of using weapons to achieve equilibrium between powers to maintain peace is not novel, but its effectiveness depends on the technological balance between competing powers.
Senior military leaders fear that the administration will develop a foreign policy that focuses too heavily on military solutions with little regard to other “tools” in the U.S. policy kit.
The plane destined to replace the various types of aircraft flown by NATO forces and its allies has been targeted by U.S. politicians for various reasons.
Moscow has tried to undermine the coherence, unity, and indivisibility of NATO. In fact, Russian actions were aimed at holding NATO-Russia relations hostage in a post-truth world.
Pyongyang could decide to conduct a new ballistic test in the early weeks of the new administration to gauge President Trump’s response.