The South China Sea played a prominent role at the Shangri-La Dialogue. However, ambiguity on several issues might prolong these very same tensions.
The South China Sea played a prominent role at the Shangri-La Dialogue. However, ambiguity on several issues might prolong these very same tensions.
Japan realizes, irrespective of U.S. wishes, that it needs better relations with Russia in order to more effectively balance China within the region.
Where governments are unable or unwilling to venture, at least publicly, for fear of losing credibility with their electorates or their allies, parallel diplomacy can offer a way forward.
If Chinese government front groups are operating illegally in the United States, the U.S. government has a responsibility to act in the matter and enforce the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
Despite economic turmoil and challenged political credibility of Russia on the world stage, the Panama Papers revelations will not pose a significant threat to the stability of Putin’s regime but will worsen Russia-U.S. relations and the country’s image in the West.
In contrast to the more vocal governments in Manila and Hanoi, not much is heard these days concerning Brunei’s claims in the South China Sea.
Looking forward, it is clear that the challenges the Navy face are shifting in character, are increasingly difficult to address in isolation, and are changing quickly. This will require us to reexamine our approaches in every aspect of our operations.
On Friday, the U.S. Navy officially announced another episode of its planned “freedom of navigation” series in the South China Sea, shortly after U.S. President Barack Obama met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at a nuclear summit in Washington.
China tried to save face last week, by lashing out at those critical of its human rights record during a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council.
The erratic behavior of the Kim dynasty has long enraged and exasperated both its enemies and allies, though larger states have certainly used North Korea’s existence as a fig leaf for moves of their own.
In a show of counterforce, the U.S. has sailed an aircraft carrier, two destroyers, two cruisers, and the command ship of the Japan-based 7th Fleet into the disputed waters of the South China Sea.
Iowa Caucuses open. Argentina to introduce settlement offer. U.S. economy slows. Nations of TPP sign pact. Peace efforts in Syria continue. All in this Week’s Risk Outlook.
This week, military tensions and international concerns reached an unprecedented level in the Korean Peninsula after the United States deployed a B-52 bomber in response to North Korea’s recent nuclear test.
The apparent success of Putin’s misadventures in Ukraine could serve as an attractive geopolitical militaristic strategy for other nations with territorial disputes, such as China.