Foreign Policy Blogs

Tag Archives: United States

Of Drones and Overseas Military Bases: The New Face of the War on Terror

Of Drones and Overseas Military Bases: The New Face of the War on Terror

In the summer of 2016, thousands of German citizens stood outside of Ramstein Air Base to protest U.S. drone strikes conducted from there.

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How Trump will Impact the Indian and Chinese Geopolitical Chessboard?

How Trump will Impact the Indian and Chinese Geopolitical Chessboard?

If Trump wants to take his China policy to its logical conclusion, he should capitalize on and galvanize strategic ties with India.

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Defending Space: Preserving U.S. Superiority in the Skies

Defending Space: Preserving U.S. Superiority in the Skies

Striving to maintain American superiority in space does not just protect the U.S., but considering the alternatives, also makes the world a safer place.

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Trump and al-Sisi Set to Launch Strategic Rapprochement

Trump and al-Sisi Set to Launch Strategic Rapprochement

Egypt’s strongman President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi could emerge as one of the potential winners of Trump’s foreign policy strategy in the Middle East.

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How the U.S. Sentiment Towards Refugees Shifted

How the U.S. Sentiment Towards Refugees Shifted

40 years ago, two million Vietnamese refugees resettled in the U.S. FPA spoke to Vietnamese-Americans to see how U.S. sentiment towards refugees has changed.

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Resolving America’s Immigration Issues One Policy At A Time

Resolving America’s Immigration Issues One Policy At A Time

A new and innovative approach to deal with non-status immigrants must be developed in order to resolve to the US immigration debate.

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Media Storm Resurrects Discredited Claims about Iranian Resistance Group

Media Storm Resurrects Discredited Claims about Iranian Resistance Group

As President-elect Trump picks his Secretary of State, discredited claims about an Iranian resistance group—the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK)—resurface.

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Yemen: A Regional Problem With Regional Consequences

Yemen: A Regional Problem With Regional Consequences

Militarily, NATO should stay out of Yemen. But the Alliance should mitigate the effects of the conflict at sea where international shipping could be affected.

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Who Will Lead on Climate in the Age of Trump?

Who Will Lead on Climate in the Age of Trump?

Last year, the world celebrated the Paris climate deal. Less than a year later, elation has turned into depression. Who will assume leadership now?

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Something To Hope For In An Inauguration Speech?

Something To Hope For In An Inauguration Speech?

What could a passage on foreign policy in President Trump’s inaugural speech look like? We take a stab at it.

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On Foreign Policy, and Fixing Political Dysfunction

On Foreign Policy, and Fixing Political Dysfunction

In foreign policy, a nation acts as a singular entity, with citizens’ identity reflected in its conduct. Today, our discourse projects our political dysfunction.

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Will Duterte Dump the U.S. and Dance with China?

Will Duterte Dump the U.S. and Dance with China?

Under the U.S. Foreign Military Financing program, the Philippines is currently the largest recipient of U.S. funds in the Asia-Pacific region.

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China should Recalibrate its Policies towards North Korea

China should Recalibrate its Policies towards North Korea

China can no longer be patient with its rambunctious neighbor. A number of Chinese experts have recently recognized that Kim Jong-un is a worn-out nuisance.

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Unexpected Responses to a Massive Aid Program

Unexpected Responses to a Massive Aid Program

This week, Israel and the U.S. signed a $38 billion military aid package. It was controversial, but not necessarily for the reasons you would think.

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GailForce: Aspen Security Forum—Final Thoughts

GailForce:  Aspen Security Forum—Final Thoughts

“I’ve been, in one capacity or another, in the intel business for 52 years and I don’t remember a time when we had been beset by more crises and challenges around the world” -James Clapper

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Foreign Policy Blogs is a network of global affairs blogs and a supplement to the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions program. Staffed by professional contributors from the worlds of journalism, academia, business, non-profits and think tanks, the FPB network tracks global developments on Great Decisions 2014 topics, daily. The FPB network is a production of the Foreign Policy Association.